7-9 ALBPARK 14Mar25 1660MS $6,260 NR 45 to 49. Fr2 Dannielle McMullen $13, btn 11.7m, wnr POCKET BOOK NZ Fr3, 1:55.7 (27.4,31.6,28.6,28.3) Gate speed, challenged lead, led, pulled hard, leader at bell, hung out, hung out under pressure, locked wheels, driver fined, unacceptable whip
6-7 ALBPARK 15Mar25 1660MS $11,500 No NR. Fr2 Leonard Cain $23, btn 8.5m, wnr OHANA DANCER Fr6, 1:54.7 (28.0,29.2,28.2,29.2) pre-race blood sample, 3rd fence at bell
2-9 REDCLIF 13Mar25 1780MS $6,200 NR 47 to 52. Fr1 Paige Bevan $3, btn SHFHD wnr SKYGIRL Sr2, 1:58.2 (30.8,30.2,29.1,29.3) pre race urine sample, gate speed, led, withstood challenge for lead, leader at bell, driver fined, unacceptable whip
9-9 REDCLIF 27Feb25 1780MS $6,200 NR 41 to 46. Fr6 Nathan Dawson $4, btn 42.4m, wnr BETTYS GOLD CLASS Fr3, 1:57.8 (29.6,30.0,30.1,29.7) restrained at start, restrained to a position, Raced wide early, 3 wide early with trail, worked forward, Led one wide line, pulled hard, overraced, death seat at bell, gave ground over concluding stages, vet's examination after race, vet's examination a
3-8 REDCLIF 27Feb25 1780MS $6,200 NR 53 to 58. Fr3 Shane Graham $12, btn 2.6m, wnr DOCTA FEELGOOD Fr1, 1:56.8 (31.2,29.4,28.3,28.8) gate speed, restrained to a position, 3rd fence at bell
5-9 REDCLIF 13Mar25 1780MS $6,200 NR 47 to 52. Sr3 Dayl March $31, btn 5.1m, wnr SKYGIRL Sr2, 1:58.2 (30.8,30.2,29.1,29.3) 3rd fence at bell
3-10 REDCLIF 26Feb25 2040MS $6,260 NR 44 to 48. Sr1 Angus Garrard $10, btn 8.8m, wnr MISSTREPO Fr3, 1:59.1 (31.3,30.7,28.6,29.1) 3rd fence at bell
9-9 REDCLIF 13Mar25 1780MS $6,200 NR 47 to 52. Fr3 Jonah Hutchinson $11, btn 18.6m, wnr SKYGIRL Sr2, 1:58.2 (30.8,30.2,29.1,29.3) restrained at start, 1 out 3 back at bell
6-9 REDCLIF 27Feb25 2040MS $6,260 NR 47 to 52. Fr4 Shane Graham $31, btn 15.7m, wnr ENGLISH DANCE Fr1, 1:59.9 (31.9,30.5,28.9,28.1) gate speed, Led one wide line, obtained trail early, 1 out 1 back at bell, no clear run
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