5-9 MELTON 14Mar25 1720MS $6,000 NR 50 to 55. Fr4 Reagan Clarke $16, btn 5.8m, wnr ULTIMATE JOY Sr3, 1:58.3 (30.3,31.4,29.6,27.6) gate speed, 1 out 1 back at bell, held up, no clear run
10-11 MELTON 14Mar25 1720MS $6,000 NR up to 55. Fr6 James Herbertson $17, btn 24.4m, wnr ODIN Sr4, 1:56.8 (29.0,31.2,28.5,28.8) restrained after start, 5 back on the pegs at bell
9-11 MELTON 14Mar25 1720MS $6,000 NR up to 55. Sr3 Michael Bellman $126, btn 19.1m, wnr ODIN Sr4, 1:56.8 (29.0,31.2,28.5,28.8) 3 wide middle, worked forward, three wide without cover at bell, 3 wide latter
11-11 BALARAT 13Mar25 2200MS $6,000 NR 50 to 55. Sr1 Chris Alford $18, btn 49.8m, wnr HANDLER Sr4, 1:57.3 (30.6,29.5,28.9,28.6) 5 back on the pegs at bell, Gave ground over concluding stages
9-9 CRANBRN 16Mar25 1609MS $6,000 NR 50 to 55. Fr5 Rita Burnett $51, btn 26.6m, wnr INEXORABLE Fr1, 1:57.8 (27.8,31.5,28.4,30.2) pre race swab, restrained after start, 1 out 4 back at bell
3-12 KILMORE 27Feb25 1690MS $4,000 NR 45 to 49. Fr1 Brent Murphy $4, btn HD wnr POLLY PEACHUM Fr6, 1:56.7 (28.0,31.4,28.6,29.4) pre race swab, pulled hard in score-up, gate speed, 3 back on pegs at bell, contact marker pegs, used sprint lane, driver cautioned contacted marker pegs
5-10 LEETON 16Dec22 1758MS $9,792 NR UP TO 40 Fr5 Cameron Maggs $4, btn 23.9m, wnr ROLL WITH JULIETTE Fr4, 2:00.2 (30.8,32.0,31.0,27.3) 800 metres, outside leader at bell
2-11 KILMORE 27Feb25 1690MS $6,000 NR 50 to 55. Sr5 Mark Pitt $1, btn HFHD wnr SUNSTAR Fr3, 1:56.8 (28.9,31.2,28.7,28.6) 1 out 4 back at bell, 3 wide latter, locked wheels, inconvenienced, hung in under pressure
9-10 BENDIGO 12Mar25 1650MS $6,000 NR 50 to 55. Fr3 Austin Mifsud $126, btn 17.0m, wnr LORIMERMAJOR Fr1, 1:55.5 (29.4,29.5,27.8,28.9) restrained after start, 5 back on the pegs at bell
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